About the Truss & Frame Factory
The Truss and Frame Factory was established over 25 years ago when 2 builders from Bathurst and a builder from Mudgee took over an existing run-down truss and frame plant in Bathurst.
It quickly became obvious that serious investment was required to make the business viable, and this lead to the construction of the purpose built factory now occupied at Wembley Place, Kelso. New machinery was also installed as part of this upgrade. At that stage, Darren Campbell also joined the team as Managing Director. Darren had a wide experience in the manufacture of wall frames and roof trusses and brought a new level of professionalism to the Truss and Frame Factory team.
The last 20 years has brought continued modernisation and automation to the factory. The latest being the installation of a state of the art truss pressing bench that automatically sets the shape of each truss. Trusses are detailed in the office, and that information is then automatically downloaded to the truss jig. Large computer screens on the wall then provide the operators with information regarding nail plate sizes and web positions.
Other automation is planned as the need arises. The Truss and Frame Factory provides quality timber wall frames, roof trusses and structural timber to builders in Bathurst, Orange, Mudgee, Lithgow and the Blue Mountains areas. Depending on freight, product can be supplied anywhere in NSW, and builders have been supplied as far away as Tea Gardens, Queanbeyan and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.
The Truss and Frame Factory prides itself on providing a superior class of product that not only exceeds minimum Australian Standards, but reflects each builder’s individual requirements. We see our mission as “fabricating the product that you specify”, not “this is our standard product, you make it work”. To achieve this aim, a detailed “Builder Preference Sheet” is completed for each builder, and a comprehensive “Job Information Sheet” is completed for each builder before any detailing is commenced for a project.
An “On Site” measuring service is also provide for builders constructing extensions and renovations, and we provide extensive “pre-commencement consultation” so that builders can ensure that the best solution to their particular challenge is adopted.
Contact us today for a quote or advice. We look forward to helping you with your next project.